Root Canal Dentists


Root canal therapy is often the last chance to save a tooth from being extracted. Root canals are often associated with pain, however a root canal procedure should never be painful. This association likely comes from the pain that occurs from an infected tooth leading up to a root canal. While some discomfort may be felt after any dental procedure, you will likely experience major pain relief as well as peace of mind during and after the procedure. If you have any questions about getting a root canal in Jackson or Eatontown, please reach out to our friendly team.


Pain-free procedure
Less recovery than a tooth extraction
Can save a tooth from extraction
More cost-effective than implants, bridges, or dentures
Can be completed in one appointment

Root Canal

Sometimes a cavity or break in a tooth is too large for a filling or too close to the nerve of the tooth and a root canal is needed. The goal of a root canal is to remove the infected or inflamed pulp and clean out the inside of the tooth. This is done by making a small access opening in the top of the tooth, and then removing the damaged tissue. The inside of the tooth is then cleaned, shaped, and filled to prevent future infection. It is often done to relieve pain and prevent the spread of infection. After the root canal, the tooth is typically protected with a filling or a crown. This helps to restore the tooth’s function and prevent future problems.


Losing a tooth is a big deal. The most functional replacement, a dental implant, can be expensive. Less expensive options, such as dentures or bridges, cannot fully function like a real tooth. For that reason, our dentists do everything they can to preserve your teeth, including root canal therapy. 

Choosing to have a tooth pulled and not replaced can cause even more problems further down the road. Your teeth can shift, affecting your bite and increasing the risk of injury. It can also reduce your ability to chew certain foods, can ruin your confidence, and can increase the risk of infection during recovery. 

For that reason, if your dentist recommends a root canal, it is often a good idea to follow through with the procedure. While the word “root canal” is enough to make some people cringe, advances in technology have made this procedure virtually pain-free and highly successful. Read on to learn more about this procedure.


Root canals are needed when there is an infection inside the tooth. Your root canal dentist will administer a local anesthetic to the area to ensure you do not feel any pain. Once the area is numb, your dentist will create a small opening in the tooth in order to access the decayed area inside. 

Your dentist will then use special tools to remove the decayed area, thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the site to prevent future infections. The area is then filled with a rubber-like material in order to retain the structure of the tooth. 

Finally, a crown or tooth-colored filling is placed over the tooth to protect it moving forward. 

Avoiding A Root Canal

Of course, the best outcome is to avoid needing a root canal in the first place. The best way to do this is to visit your dentist every six months (or more frequently if advised). This allows for your dentist and dental hygienists to thoroughly examine the health of your teeth and take care of any small cavities or areas of decay before they become a major infection. 

If you injure or crack your tooth, be aware that this can allow for bacteria to enter the interior of the tooth which could lead to an infection. Make sure to follow up with your regular or emergency dentist if you have an injured tooth instead of waiting for your next biannual appointment. 

Finally, if you notice any signs or symptoms of an infection such as inflamed, bleeding, or swollen gums or have a toothache, get in to see your dentist as soon as possible. When it comes to your teeth, it is better to be overcautious than to ignore problems and hope they go away. The health of your mouth can affect the health of your entire body, so make sure to not allow oral health concerns to slip under the rug. 

If you are looking for a compassionate root canal dentist in Jackson or Eatontown, make sure to get in touch with any of our two dental offices in those cities.