Restorative Dentistry

Restore Your Smile; Restore Your Confidence

Restorative dentistry is an area of practice that involves making teeth and their surrounding structures function correctly and look aesthetically pleasing. Restorative dentistry can range from repairing small fractures to performing root canals. Regardless of what type of dental treatment you need, you can rest easy knowing you are in the hands of some of the top dentists in the area. Make an appointment at any of our two dental offices in Manahawkin today.

Restorative Dentistry Services

Tooth-Colored Fillings
Dental Sealants
Root Canal Therapy
Inlays, Onlays, or Veneers
And more!

Below, we will go in-depth about the restorative dental practices our dentists frequently perform. If you have any questions about these dental services, please do not hesitate to reach out and inquire.


Dental crowns are a great option for restoring a tooth that is severely cracked, decayed, or has some other condition that makes it particularly vulnerable. A crown, also called a cap, is a covering that surrounds the entire tooth and adds much-needed protection.

To fit a crown, the tooth must first be prepared by removing a small amount of the tooth. This is done so that any decay can be eliminated and so that the crown can fit snugly over the tooth. An impression will be made and a crown will be shaped to fit perfectly in your mouth. The crown is then cemented to the tooth, and the new fixture will look and function just like a healthy tooth.

Dental crowns are incredibly resilient and can last upwards of 15 years.


Many older fillings are made of amalgam, a mercury-based filling that is dark silver in color. While amalgam fillings are durable and inexpensive, they are also very noticeable and can make some patients feel insecure. At our dental offices, we can replace amalgam fillings with tooth-colored fillings that are incredibly discreet.

Composite fillings, like those we use here, can replace silver or gold fillings, strengthen weak teeth, and renew your smile.


In restorative dentistry, dental sealants are used to prevent decay or damage to the biting surfaces of teeth. Usually reserved for premolars and molars, a sealant is placed directly onto the tooth’s surface where it can get into all of the nooks and crannies of the chewing surface. This helps to not only protect the tooth from wear and tear from chewing, but it also can prevent decay from occurring in hard-to-reach places.

Sealants are often used for children and teenagers, but many adults have a dental sealant placed on their teeth, especially those who are prone to cavities or decay.


A root canal is often the last chance to save a tooth, making it a staple of restorative dentistry. Root canals are necessary when decay or damage has reached the deeper layers of the tooth, where the nerve is housed.

To perform a root canal, a restorative dentist will remove any decay or damaged tissue from the inside of the tooth through a small access hole. Once the tissue is removed, the inside of the tooth will be thoroughly cleaned. Then, a substance is placed inside of the tooth to take the place of tissue that has been removed. In some cases, a dental crown will be placed over the tooth for extra support.


  • Sudden sensitivity to heat and/or cold
  • Painful toothache
  • Discomfort when biting or chewing
  • Discoloration of the affected tooth
  • Gum irritation near an affected tooth

If you have any of the signs above, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need a root canal, but it is important to get it checked out. A small cavity can quickly turn into a rotten tooth if not addressed. Reach out today to schedule an appointment to see one of our dentists

Visit One Of Our Restorative Dentists Today!

Our dentists in Manahawkin, New Jersey can expertly restore your teeth back to top condition. At your appointment, they will discuss your options with you to ensure that you are making the best decision for your dental health. Visit one of our restorative dentists soon!